

Aaron Keltainen (Paimion Parantola) Sirainen

Anna-Stiina Hallitsija (Ruler) Korhonen

Anu Metsän hämy Hakola

Benjamin Murphy

Felix social_study_Beta001 Bardy

Frans Daddy No Legs Nybacka

Fredrik Blue Tablecloth Karell

Hanna Palma Perälä

Heidi I, Eye Forsman

Jaakko Infra Ultra Mattila

Jaakko Aivan kuin olisin sinä Pennanen

Juliana 1900-end plaster sculpture Hyrri

Linda Bones Linko

Maaria Häkkisellä I Jokimies

Milla Koi Aska

Minjee Flounder and Me Hwang Kim

Mirja Drifted treasures Väyrynen

Miro-Benjamin Kulkutie Lindström

Miska No Kukkohovi

Niklas The Hum Sandberg

Olga Keeping An Eye Sophie Kauppinen

Piia Läikähdys Kokkarinen

Sami Blue Tint Jalonen

Sawako Hoshi

Sirkku A wise direction or abandoned plan Rosi

Tanja An Image of Man's Animal Nature Koljonen

Victor Silent Growth Gogly

Ville-Pekka Surrealist painting of an abstract figure wearing a pink, spiraled hat, with a large, protruding eye and a distorted, textured face. The figure’s long, tubular nose ends in a droplet, contrasting with the soft pastel background. This unique artwork is a part of a curated collection of contemporary, avant-garde paintings available for sale online. Vihma